
Hullo and welcome. This is quil.es, an image-centric chronicle of my life. Occasionally, there is a music video here and there. This  domain also hosts my superannuated weblog, a mostly text-based record formerly hosted at amities.net (nota bene: it is rarely updated).

Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, I currently find myself in Dunedin, New Zealand. I am the partner of the apolitical scientist and writer Jesse Bering. I have two Border Terriers, Gulliver and Uma, who originally hail from Northern Ireland. Additionally, I have a well-travelled Arkansan cat named Tommy who happens to hold a European Union passport (in the United States, that makes him a foreign policy expert).

Besides taking photos, I also enjoy reading, cooking and travelling.



Since its inception in 1997, this website has gone through many incarnations. The current iteration was launched in 2013. 

Last revision: 29/03/2021 v. 1.2